Monday, 13 February 2012

Never the End, Always a New Beginning

Over a week had gone by before I contacted Mr Good-Company after our play session. Call it what you will, but something just didn't 'feel right'. So I asked him if he wanted to meet up again sometime. His answer was as I had expected, 'I think I've met someone'.

Though for me this was a bit disappointing, I will admit that I wasn't overly surprised. I had probably been expecting it really. What with him starting uni this year I had sort of figured that he was bound to meet someone. This was just a little bit sooner than I had expected.

But I surprised myself. I cried for a little bit I will admit, but I was happy for him. Everyone wants someone special in their life and I was happy that he thought he may have found someone. 

I was also jealous though. I wanted someone special for me too. While Mr Good-Company obviously wasn't that someone special for me, he was someone I could play with in the meantime.

I think, for me, that has been the hardest part. Redefining our friendship. So much of it was based on sex and what we had done and wanted to do. Wether it be playing in person or online, that was all a no-go now. What on earth would we talk about? Could we still be friends?

One of the things I do regret is the timing. Just after this happened I drowned my phone, losing all the pictures Mr Good-Company had sent me and I them. Those pictures were important to me. Reminders of fun times and such. I asked Mr Good-Company if he still had them and could resend them. He said that he no longer had them. I'm not sure if I believe him or not, but I do understand that he might just not want to send another girl pictures of his genitals whilst he has a new love interest. I mourn those pictures though.

What this all made me not regret however, was convincing Mr Good-Company to stay for one last round when he visited me. I remember it as fun sex. Just light hearted fun and a perfect way to bring that version of our friend ship to an end. Had he not stayed I believe I would have been left frustrated and wanting more. I don't think this would have helped my ability to accept his non-single status at all.

Now it is finished. I had a fantastic time with Mr Good-Company over the past twelve months and know I will never forget any of it. I learnt so much about sex, good times and most importantly myself. I regret none of it and hope only for the success of this much newer reincarnation of our friendship.

Good luck with your romance Mr Good-Company. May we both find the happiness we seek in this new year.

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