Saturday, 26 February 2011

Ahhhhh! Attack of the Horny Hormones!

At this stage in my life I have been menstruating for approximately 9 years. My cycle has been influenced by many things over the years from weight gain to weight loss to diet and the pill. But over the years we have come to know each other quite well. I have learnt to recognise its way of booking itself in for the week (sore boobs, pre-period pain and more general aches and pains). I’ve learnt how to deal with it during its stay, sometimes this visitor is a bitch and needs a lot of attention and at other times Aunty Flow is the perfect house guest. But in recent years I have watched with increasing curiosity how the rhythms of my menstrual cycle effect my libido.

In the week before the red river runs I become extremely horny. I will point out that I probably think about sex and it’s related activities a hell off a lot as it is (hey, gym is boring. I need to entertain myself somehow!), but during this time even my highly charged mind has trouble keeping up with the desires of my greedy body.

I have never known if this is how it is for every woman or if different people experience this at different times of their cycle, or perhaps (though unlikely) my body has great joy in my being tormented. So tonight after a particularly fun evening with Mr Good-Company (I will put that experience up tomorrow) I decided I would get my google on and do a little research. As I suspected, my body is not out to purposely torment me.

Now apparently it is quite common to be highly aroused during the 14 days before menstruation. This is apparently the time of ovulation and as such the time when there are increased levels of oestrogen and testosterone present in the body. Both males and females have varying levels of these two hormones; females have more oestrogen and males more testosterone.

As I’m sure we all know, testosterone is generally known as the male hormone. Though this hormone can elevate the libido, if your body begins to produce excessive amounts of it, perhaps because of a large weight gain or as a symptom of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) then your periods may stop altogether as mine once did (and then the bastard had to come back with a vengeance when I lost the weight didn’t it). In males, testosterone is responsible for their sex drive and the more general ‘man’ characteristics.

Though males also have small levels of oestrogen, it is the hormone required for a woman to be fertile and also causes the good stuff, like our nice soft skin, our lack of facial hair and our wonderfully curvy figures that some women work so hard to eliminate.

Yet somehow, increasing levels of these two hormones, turn us into the human equivalent of rabbits. This does make sense as the 14 days before your period is the time when you’re at your most fertile, so in an evolutionary sense it does seem reasonable for us to want our brains fucked to pieces at this time. Unfortunately, many of us especially the singles amongst us and the virgins as well, aren’t exactly planning on popping out munchkins any time soon.

Instead of looking at this time as a sexually frustrating hell, I choose instead to make the most of it, knowing that in a few days, play time could become quite messy. My mind does it’s best to keep with my body, we manage to keep ourselves entertained quite well. I indulge in sexual fantasy, which isn’t something that generally turns me on, though it is something this blog has only encouraged. I find that I play with myself more than usual, in fact at times I am unable to bed myself down for the night until my body has had the release that it craves.

Thankfully for the moment my body feels quite satisfied, Mr Good-Company’s cramping fingers are testament to that. That said, despite my testament of satisfaction, I would happily go another round. I suppose that’s the downside for the poor guy that finds himself a 21 year old to play with who has had no sexual experiences; it’s almost as if she’s making up for lost time!

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